Children's playpen: pros and cons

Children's playpen: pros and cons

As a baby grows into a crawling child, the risk of it getting injured somewhere increases as its range of motion increases. Now it's important not to let your child out of your sight for a second! But that's not so easy in everyday life. That's why many parents consider purchasing a playpen at this stage. Since something like this isn't exactly cheap (from 60 euros in good quality with a seal of approval), such a purchase should be carefully considered.

There are playpens in sizes from 75 x 75 centimeters to 1.15 x 1.15 meters. Most parents recommend not choosing the smallest option so that the child has more freedom.
There are rectangular and octagonal playpens and often with the ability to adjust the height of the base. This means you can accommodate infants there so they can have a good view of their parents from there. Most playpens are also foldable and/or equipped with wheels; some models can be used as both a travel bed and a playpen.

We have put together for you what the pluses and minuses are with such a purchase and what you should pay attention to when buying.

Per playpen

If the doorbell rings or the milk threatens to boil over in the kitchen, the offspring is quickly put into the children's stable and is safe there.

If the parents are busy with work such as ironing or cooking, it is good to have the child in the playpen within sight and not have to constantly run after them to keep them away from sources of danger.

If the stable is lined with a thick, soft surface and equipped with their favorite toys, the offspring will usually feel comfortable there for a while. Some parents even report that their children enjoy taking a nap there.

If the child starts to pull himself up everywhere, he can easily hold on to the gate and shimmy along there. And the soft surface cushions a fall.

Some parents report that older siblings keep their toys safe from the baby by putting the items in the playpen while the baby is not in it. The gates not only protect the baby from danger, but in a way also offer older children a protected environment.

Foldable Baby Play pen with Toys Kit Toddler Game Fence

Against playpen

Many children feel trapped in the playpen and definitely don't want to stay there. As soon as parents put their little darling in there, there is a lot of screaming and sometimes the purchase turns out to be a bad investment because the child cannot get used to staying alone in this "prison".

A playpen measuring 1 x 1 meter is recommended, but it takes up a lot of space - this could be a problem in small apartments.

One day a clever toddler is able to climb out of the stable - which is of course not without danger. Then security is over!

Even if you equip a stable with toys, many children get bored after a while and feel restricted in their urge to move.

Although most playpens are height-adjustable, it still takes a lot of strength to put your child in and out of them. Pay attention to your back and the correct posture (the back should remain straight, the hips are tilted, the power comes from the knees) when you take your child out of the playpen. Otherwise you could have problems, especially with older and heavier children.

Playpens are a good storage option. Before you know it, there could be so many toys, picture books, and other things inside that there won't be much room left for your baby.

Conclusion: A playpen is well suited to safely accommodate a small child for a short time. But you shouldn't leave it there for a long time - otherwise its natural urge to move and explore will be restricted too much.

Playpen purchasing and safety tips

The Bavarian Consumer Information System (VIS) has put together the following checklist.

The model should bear a quality seal (“GS” for tested safety or another quality symbol).
Instructions for use and assembly instructions must be understandable.
After setting up the children's playpen - especially between the frame and
Floor - there must be no accessible shearing or crushing points (risk of fingers becoming trapped).
Check the strength and spacing of the bars so that your darling cannot get their head and neck caught in them!
Playpens can be equipped with castors or wheels, but at least two of them must be lockable in such a way that the child cannot loosen them themselves.
There should be no removable small components on the playpen that the child could swallow.
Look out for material damage, such as splintering wood.
The playpen must not have any sharp corners or sharp-edged screws.
The playpen should be sufficiently marked in the event of a complaint (product name, trademark of the manufacturer or wholesaler, possibly additional identification features).
Children's playpens without a floor pose a fundamental danger because the child can move or lift the frame under their own power and so, for example. B. reaches the kitchen or the stairs.

First two articles:What toys are suitable for a playpen?What products should I prepare if I have a toddler at home? The last two articles: Playpen: why it’s a must-haveThe relationship between the height and weight of the playpen and the age of the baby
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